Evans & Partners Logo
  • 9/10 – How do you rate our service?
  • 9/10 – Do we provide you with enough advice to benefit your business?
  • 7/10 – Do you think our fees offer good value for money?

30 Jan 15

Person’s avatar

Hi Martin,

Great to speak with you today and I am delighted that you have confirmed you are very happy with our service and that our fees are fine and offer good value for money. However, I do appreciate your point that you would rather not have to pay any accountancy fees at all in a perfect world!
If you have any comments in the future regarding our services do let me know and I know that you have a great relationship with Derek and am sure you would speak to him if you had an issues.
Thank you again for completing our survey.

Kind regards


Sam Weston

Sam Weston –